Güncelleme Tarihi: 15 Temmuz 2020

Gösterim: 412



Font and Page Layout:

1. The articles sent to the journal should be 1.5 line spaced and maximum 20 A4 page size including the references, tables, and figures. The text should be prepared using 11 font size, Times New Roman font, and considering the language font in which the article is written. Each paragraph spacing should be 6 pt before and after. The total number of pages of the study can exceed the upper limit with corrections from the reviewers, page edits at the stage of publication, imprint information, logo, and similar arrangements.

2. Margins should be 2.5 cm for each side of the page structure (right-left, top-bottom). Page numbers should be at the bottom right corner of the page.



3. The article that includes the author's information on the first page should consist of the original title and the abstract,  the English title, the  English abstract, keywords under the abstracts and, main text, conclusion, references, and annexes respectively.

4. The articles written in Turkish should be based on the spelling guide and rules of the Turkish Language Association (TDK). Turkish words should be used as much as possible instead of foreign words. When unfamiliar words are used in Turkish, the foreign language equivalent can be given in parentheses in the first place.



5. The title in the original language and the English title should be written on the original abstract and the English abstract in capital letters, centered, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, 11 font size and bold.


Abstract and Keywords

6. All articles submitted should include an abstract in the original language of the article and in English. Keywords should be written in English and in the original language under the abstracts. The titles of the abstracts should be capitalized and centered. Abstracts written in the original language and in English should be written in italics. The first letter of the keywords should be capitalized and justified to the left. Abbreviations should not be used in the abstract of the article and this part should consist of at least 200 and at most 250 words. In addition, it should be taken into consideration that the abstracts include the purpose, method, findings, and results of the study.

7. Abstracts and Keywords should be written in Times New Roman, 11 font size, 1.5 line spacing, and in italics.  Only the titles of these sections should be bold.


Main Body and Section Headings

8. The main text should be written in 11 pt, 1.5 line spaced and justified using Times New Roman font. The first lines of each paragraph must be indented 1 cm.  The main title and sub-headings of the article should be written in bold and numbered in the decimal form such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1, starting from the Introduction (excluding References).

In the text, sub-sections should be given up to the third level (such as 1.2.4.).  If necessary, lower level headings should be written in italic and bold without giving numbers.

The first title should be justified to the left with its number, and sub-headings connected to this title should be indented 1 cm inside with the numbering. In the article, only the main titles should be written in capital letters, while only the first letters of the sub-headings should be capitalized. There should be 12 pt space before and 6 pt after the headings. There should be 6 pt space before and after each paragraph.


Tables, Figures, and Graphics:

9. Tables, figures, and graphics should be shown in the appropriate places of the text, sequentially numbered and centered on the page (Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2, Graphic 1, Graphic 2, etc.).

A title should be provided for each table, figure, or graphic. The title should be written in Times New Roman, 11 pt, bold, centered on the page above the table, figure, or graphic. After giving a number, the name of the table, figure or graphic should start with a single point (For example (Table 1. The name of the table).

The paragraph spacing between the table, figure, or chart title should be 6 pt (after). Tables can also be used horizontally if needed. The text in the table, figure, and graphics should be in 10 pt. Information about the resources should be given in 9 font size under the tables, figures or graphics.

10. Tables should NOT be put in the text as software program outputs. The results obtained from software programs should be written manually by the author/authors themselves. Tables should be arranged according to A4 paper size as much as possible. The figures should not be directly taken as the printout of a software, they should be arranged as drawing or as pictures and they should not exceed A4 paper size.


In-text Citation:

11. Citations should be made in accordance with the APA-6 (American Psychological Association) citation format using the in-text citation method. Explanatory notes should be given as footnotes at the bottom of the page in 9 pt (also, each footnote should be 9 points).

When referring to the sources in the text, the surname of the authors, the date of publication, and the page number should be specified if quoted directly. For example (Zengin, 2009) ...; (Yıldırım, 2017: 182) ...; (Bakhtin, 2001: 182-186).

If the surname of the author(s) is used in the sentence, it is sufficient to write the date of publication in parentheses after the name. For example, according to Kara and Kaplan (2000) ...; According to Kaplan (2007) ...; Kara and Kaplan (2004) ...; Zengin, Kaplan, and Yıldırım (2004).

When referring to studies with two authors, the surname of both authors should be written. For example (Kaplan & Yıldırım, 2009: 47). When referring to studies with three to five authors for the first time, the surnames of all authors should be written. For example (Öztürk, Soylu, Kaplan, Özer, & Kara, 2002: 164-198).

In subsequent citations to the same source, only the surname of the first author and “et al.” must be written. For example (Öztürk et al., 2002: 164-198). In the references made to the studies with six or more authors, the surname of the first author should be written both in the first place in the text and in the following citations and “et al.” statement should be used. For example (Öztürk et al., 2005: 154-198).

If reference is made to the multiple works of the same author(s) in the same year, symbols such as (a, b, c, ..) should be put right after the year of publication to separate the different works. For example (Kaplan, 2015a) or (Kaplan, 2015b: 125).

If more than one study is referred to at the end of the sentence, these sources should be listed in parentheses according to the date of publication and a semicolon (;) should be placed between them. For example: ... (Öztürk, 2009; Kara, 2008: 25; Özer et al., 2005; Zengin, Kaplan & Yıldırım, 2003: 61).

If there is no author name, the institution name should be used instead of the author. For example; (DPT, 2004: 32). It should be displayed as (TÜBİTAK, Access Date) for internet resources.



12. The references should be written in alphabetical order and with hanging indent at the end of the article taking into account the surnames of the authors in 11 font size. The paragraph spacing between each source must be before and after 6 pt. If more than one work of the author(s) is used in the same year, they should be listed by giving symbols such as (a, b, c, ..) next to the publication year of these works. The references should be arranged as shown below.

13. APA 6 Rules should be used in writing references.

If you intend to apply to our journal, we recommend that you review the author guidelines and journal style guide. The authors must register before making submission to the journal. The authors' credentials and e-mail addresses will not be used for any other purposes. We currently recommend research libraries include this journal in their electronic journal collection.

It should be noted that researchers that use libraries could benefit from the journal's open code publishing system in other journals to which they submit their works.  Detailed information about Open Journal Systems can be obtained from the Public Knowledge Project page.

The authors can publish their work submitted to this journal before and after the publication, on their personal websites or institutional archives by giving reference to this journal in accordance with the librarianship rules.

Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Journal of Academic Studies in World Languages, Literatures and Translation is an international refereed and periodical journal published twice a year in June and December.

Additional numbers and special issues are published if needed. Articles whose evaluation process is completed are listed as of the date of submission and published in the related issue of the journal.

Adopting the principle that offering scientific researches free of charge to the public will increase the global sharing of information, this journal provides instant open access to its content. Names and e-mail addresses on the website of the journal will only be used for the stated purposes of this journal; it will not be made available for any other purposes or uses to other people.